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AI Agents đź—ş

Google Deepmind Releases SIMA

AI Agents are Here to Stay

  • AI Agents are “a software program that can…interact with its environment, collect data, and use the data to perform self-determined tasks” -AWS

    • They can be assigned tasks and autonomously complete them interacting with real world environments like a human

  • A common proving ground for these programs is often video games.

Deepmind Releases SIMA:

  • A “Scalable Instructable Multiworld Agent”

  • SIMA operates using basic inputs like screen images and user-given natural language instructions, and it outputs keyboard and mouse commands

  • SIMA was tested on nearly 1500 unique tasks and evaluated by human judges.

Ultimately, our research is building towards more general AI systems and agents that can understand and safely carry out a wide range of tasks in a way that is helpful to people online and in the real world.


  • Sima operates in commercial video games such as Valheim

  • During training, SIMA learns to associate specific visual patterns and language instructions with the appropriate game actions.

  • Sima Works by processing visual data from games and interpreting user-provided text instructions to generate keyboard and mouse inputs.

What Makes This Agent Special:

  • Generalization Across Multiple Games: Unlike many AI agents that are trained for specific tasks or environments, The key feature of SIMA is its ability to generalize learned behavior across different gaming environments.

  • Future Significance:  Agents that can learn tasks and operate in the real world taking Knowledge from different places and applying it to their next task much like a human.


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